Friday, 30 May 2008

Gratitude to the Earl

I don’t believe that here at I have clued you loyal (albeit sparse) nation of fans about the shooting progress of 6 Days a Stranger. Well ladies, gentlemen and lost porn surfers allow me now to spread the cream cheese of intelligence and information onto your crusty bread of life. Like a butter-knife through…butter, I slice through all the BS and slam the facts upside your oversized melon. Dig the following like your life depends on it:

October 2007: Filmed all indoor scenes of 6 Days a Stranger and completed them in the glorious and picturesque seaside town of Stranraer.

April 2008: The lead actor of 6 Days a Stranger dropped out on the day that final shooting was to commence. However, superhero director Hangman managed to save the day and get a replacement no problem. Major props to our man who saved the project and stood in as lead actor. All previous filming had to be re-shot with the new actor and all outdoor scenes were filmed in various locations throughout southwest Scotland.

And so now you know, the blood rushes to your head like a mountain river full of spawning salmon and you pass out due to the sheer joy experienced in this most euphoric of mind states. When you come to after your butler/crackhead/Elvis impersonator applies the smelling salts you read this post where you left off prior to said passing out to read even MORE news regarding 6 Days a Stranger:

The Earl of Stair deserves my sincere thanks for allowing me to film portions of this film on the Castle Kennedy Estate. The Earl was a pleasant man to talk to about the project and allowed us to get our required shots done on his land. So thank you very much for your co-operation, it was very much appreciated.

Currently, I am knee deep in the editing process of the film, which will soon be completed. Alongside the main feature I am also currently editing together a trailer for the film which should make its spleen shattering debut in the near future. As usual, stay tuned the fxck in to this blog for all the latest, greatest and bile-barf inducing updates on 6 Days a Stranger.

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