Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Grand Opening

This is the first posts which details absolutely nothing. Its so fresh your wig just melted and dribbled all over the floor and then you slipped in it and broke your dam neck. Its that dam fresh. Okay Im done. Bye


David Boyce said...

A poet, I see.

OK! Way to go! You can begin to think now about the type of project that might appeal to you, and that can realistically be achieved in the time available.

In due course you will be asked to produce a Planning Document of around 500 words in which you provide an outline of your intended project. This document should give evidence of: Critical and evaluative thinking; Problem-solving skills; Self-directed learning.

More will be discussed about this in class.

David Boyce said...

Just to reinforce something we discussed in class today:

In the Graded Unit, what’s being assessed, and what you will be graded on, is not just the FINISHED PRODUCT, but the PROCESS by which you got there.

It’s therefore very important that you document every little bit of thinking and analysis along the way. So, even if an idea occurs to you that you quickly reject for some reason, RECORD that in here! Explain that you had Idea X, but realised that it wouldn’t work because of Y and Z.

In that way, you go some way towards demonstrating the analytical thinking element that the Unit calls for. If you don’t record your thinking in some form, how will those assessing you know that it took place, so as to give you marks for it?

As your project gets under way, it will be important for you to use this Blog as a kind of diary of events as well as of ideas. In that way you will build up a record of how your progress took place. I will also be able to appear regularly and make cheeky comments!

The beauty of the Blog method is that I can easily access your “diary” without waiting for the weekly class slot to come round. So if I have an idea (a possibly remote contingency) in response to some difficulty you flag up, I can immediately post it for you to see whenever you log on.

Start thinkin’……..

David Boyce said...

It's important to begin kicking around even very preliminary ideas, so that these can be solidified soon into a feasible project. You need to be thinking about this, and getting ideas down in here, during the xmas break.

David Boyce said...

A thought for everyone to keep in mind is that you have already done a lot of work in achieving the Research Skills unit. It would be good (but is not compulsory at all) if you could use that work as part of the Planning stage of your project. That would mean, of course, devising a project for which your Research Skills work would be relevant.

As I say, it isn’t compulsory for you to do this, but it would make sense to at least consider the possibiulity of whether your Research work could be made to serve a double purpose in this way. That’s called “integration” and it’s a good idea!

Give it some thought…..